Welcome, my name is Rebecca!
I am a believer, Mama of four, and the face behind The Ivy Nest.
I have four precious babies, Savannah, Samuel, Ellis, and Clara. I welcomed sweet Savannah who is now with Jesus in 2013 (you can read more about her story here), my rainbow baby Samuel in 2015, miscarried my little Ellis June in 2018, and then joyfully welcomed my second rainbow baby, Clara in 2019. Being a Mom is one of the hardest things I've ever done and yet is also by far my greatest joy!
My love for writing started after losing my first daughter; I truly believe God allowed me to use it as a way to grieve and also remember by sharing her story. The Ivy Nest is a symbol of two things for me: faithfulness and strength. Ivy can grow even in the harshest of conditions, and actually does best in the shade. Looking back now, some of the darkest parts of our journey were truly where I have felt the most healing take place. You can read more about our namesake here!
My hope in creating The Ivy Nest was to have a place to share my heart and story. On any given night you can find me in what I call my ‘cozy clothes’ snuggled up on the couch with at least one of my cats. I wear my heart on my sleeve and believe in keeping things real, am frequently found at Target, love every shade of beige, and enjoy finding tiny joys in the journey.
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you will stay awhile!